Wednesday 2 May 2018

Cartoon Caption Contest - Part 3

Here we go again with another silent cartoon, waiting for YOUR brilliant captions!

I'm on holidays and need a break from making constant witty squirrel repartee, so please help out, friends.

I'm seeing a lot of great captions on Instagram (@diaryofasquirrel) and Twitter (@diarysquirrel). You can also privately email me captions at, but then you will only have my audience, and not the world wide fame of a public post.

So send in your captions, be they clever, silly, non sequitur, or as one friend on Instagram has chosen, Trump tweets. Everyone's a winner!


  1. Why can't I be this honest with myself when I'm vertical?

    1. Excellent caption, and so profound! Thanks for submitting, it's another winner! 🐿
