Sunday 27 January 2019

Friday 25 January 2019

S.A.D. 2019 - part 4

I know, I know - Squirrel Appreciation Day was January 21st, and it was only one day. But here at Diary of a Squirrel, we love to drag out a good joke (??? - Ed.) as long as possible, carry it too far, milk it for all it's worth, flog a dead horse, (enough, already! - Ed.), etc., etc.

Tally ho!

Monday 21 January 2019

S.A.D. 2019 - part 3

Today is the actual Squirrel Appreciation Day, so happy S.A.D., everyone!

Of course, we're carrying the celebrations on for most of January - it's all just too much fun to limit it to one day - but today is extra special.

Sunday 13 January 2019

S.A.D. 2019 - part 1

It's almost the jolliest time of year - for a squirrel!

That's right, Squirrel Appreciation Day 2019 is right around the corner, on January 21st. With its unfortunate acronym, S.A.D.

But it's nothing to be sad about here at Diary of a Squirrel (with the meaningless acronym, D.O.A.S.). On the contrary, we will be celebrating for the rest of the month with some Very Special Squirrel Guests (V.S.S.G.)! And hope that our readership is low enough to avoid any copyright infringements in the doing.

Today, to kick off the festivities, we pay special homage to Ratatosk (or Ratatoskr, as he known on Wikipedia), the Norse Squirrel God (N.S.G.), who holds squirrelly court on Twitter, and gently suggested that I create more rodent content in this comic, especially in light of S.A.D. fast approaching.

I'm not a religious squirrel, but I would hate to tempt fate and anger the gods, especially the Norse Squirrel God.

So tally ho, squirrel friends!